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The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene by Francesco Albani

    The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene by Francisco Albani

    The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene by Francesco Albani was created in 1640. The painting is in Saint Louis Art Museum. The size of the work is 42,1 x 27,4 cm and is made as an oil on copper.

    Mary Magdalene, a Christian saint popular in the 17th century, is being carried into the sky by angels. According to a 13th-century biographical account, she retired to a cave in southern France near the end of her life. Her daily prayer ritual, depicted here, included an ascent into heaven facilitated by a group of angels who carried her aloft. In the 17th century, Christians believed she was a converted prostitute (now known to be untrue).

    Since she was able to renounce her sin and follow Christianity, she was held as a model for those who had embraced the tenets of Protestantism and could also renounce their past and return to the Catholic Church. Francesco Albani’s mastery of the human form resulted from his training in Bologna, Italy, where artists utilized drawings made by sketching live models… (read more in Saint Louis Art Museum)

    The Artist: Francesco Albani or Albano (1578 – 1660) was an Italian Baroque painter. He was active in Bologna, Rome, Viterbo, Mantova and Florence. He was the lead student of Carracci. The artist completed around 45 works at the Carracci School. He worked on pastoral figures in ancient mythology.


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