Still Life with Apples and Peaches by Paul Cézanne was created in 1905. Thepainting is in National Gallery of Art Washington D.C. The size of the work is 81 x 100,5 cm and is made as an oil on canvas.
Here the table tilts unexpectedly, defying traditional rules of perspective. Similarly, we see the pitcher in profile but are also allowed a look down into it. Paradoxically, it is Cézanne’s fidelity to what he saw that accounts for this “denial” of logic and three–dimensional space. It is not so much that he is deliberately flattening space. Rather he is concentrating on the objects themselves instead of the perspectival scheme—the “box of air”—in which they exist. (Read more in National Gallery of Art Washington D.C.)
About the Artist: French artist and Post-Impressionist painter Paul Cézanne was born in Aix-en-Provence. In Paris, Cézanne met the Impressionist Camille Pissarro. Initially, the friendship formed in the mid-1860s between Pissarro and Cézanne was that of master and disciple, in which Pissarro exerted a formative influence on the younger artist. Cézanne’s early work is often concerned with the figure in the landscape… Read more
You can order this work as an art print on canvas from canvastar.com