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Olive Grove Saint-Rémy by Vincent van Gogh

    Olive Grove Saint-Rémy by Vincent van Gogh

    Olive Grove Saint-Rémy by Vincent van Gogh was created in 1889. The painting is in Gothenburg Museum of Art, Göteborg. The size of the work is 74,5 x 92,5 cm and is made as an oil on canvas.

    Scattered across the flat slope are rows of gnarled olive trees. With the sun so low they cast long blue shadows over the reddish-brown soil. The sky is fading from yellow at the horizon to green, and is veiled with thin wisps of blue and red cloud. The treetops are tinged with green and blue with splashes of orange. The contrast between the red tones and the blue shadows makes for an evocatively autumnal picture. The artist has used short, distinct brushstrokes that convey an impression of vibrating motion. The roughly drawn tree trunks seem to twist, human-like, adding to the painting’s intensity and anxiety.

    About the Artist: Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh was born in Groot-Zundert. Van Gogh was a serious and thoughtful child. His interest in art began at a young age. Constant Cornelis Huijsmans, who had been a successful artist in Paris, taught the students at Tilburg. His philosophy was to reject technique in favour of capturing the impressions of things, particularly nature or common objects. Van Gogh’s profound unhappiness seems to have overshadowed the lessons, which had little effect. In March 1868, he abruptly returned home. He later wrote that his youth was “austere and cold, and sterile”… Read more

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