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Route de Versailles, Rocquencourt by Camille Pissarro

    Route de Versailles, Rocquencourt by Camille Pissarro was created in 1871. The painting is in Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam. The size of the work is 51,5 x 76,7 cm and is made of oil on canvas.

    Route de Versailles, Rocquencourt by Camille Pissarro

    Pissarro painted the road to Versailles at the village of Rocquencourt, just outside his home town of Louveciennes. He emphasised the upward slant of the road, making it seem infinitely long. And he used the narrow horizontal shadows of the trees to make it look even wider. In this way, he created the illusion of an enormous expanse.

    The painting is a splendid example of Pissarro’s early Impressionism. He tried, for example, to depict the effect of the light striking the road rather than the texture of stones and sand. Look, for example, at the loose, multicoloured brushstrokes and the long blue shadows… Read more in Van Gogh Museum

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