Charles Burton Barber (1845 – 1894)
British painter Charles Burton Barber was born in Great Yarmouth in Norfolk. He studied at the Royal Academy, London. During his lifetime Barber was regarded as one of Britain’s finest animal painters and received commissions from Queen Victoria. He exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1866 to 1893. In 1883 he was elected a member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
Barber became a very popular sporting and animal painter, specialising particularly in sentimental portraits of dogs, often with children. His work ranged from photographically realistic to quick sketches. Although some have regarded his work as overly sentimental, his work remains popular, largely because of his competent painting.
Barber received his final commission in 1894 to paint Queen Victoria, with her grandchildren, in her pony-carriage. He died in London soon afterwards. Many of Barber’s paintings were made into prints, usually in the medium of photogravure. Much of his art is at the Lady Lever Art Gallery in Port Sunlight.His world famous prints were then sold in the early 80s in The British home store Woolworths at sale price, soon there after nearly everyone had barbers pictures hanging on their living room walls.
A List of important works of the Artist. Visit the gallery with large-size images, date, size, location and technical information.